Traffic was, I would say, very affected by the crash, ... All the eastbound lanes were shut down for about an hour.

He was the type of player that loved to take on a defense by himself. He had that next-level ability to always break down the first defender and that creates a lot of problems for a defense. And he could do that from his sophomore year in high school.

If everything is in order, they schedule a public hearing, people appear for or against the measure, and then it's a vote of the people.

I think people need to feel they can be competitive.

They've deemed it that we're not allowed to see our heroic dead coming back from Iraq, but there, in a commercial to re-elect the president, they're using a dead firefighter to re-elect the president.

They still have the breakdown lane and the right travel lane blocked because they're trying to figure out how to get the tractor-trailer out of there.

Anybody can file a lawsuit.

As a result, the tractor-trailer unit attempted to avoid collision with the vehicle, it swerved to the right travel lane and then struck the Tacoma and then tipped over onto its right side.

I think it's a great opportunity. Bristol is a school with a tremendous tradition. There are still a lot of people who still follow that tradition. I want to carry on what Sean Simon was doing and bring back the traditions.