Hopefully we can bring in an IBM, or another big company's western regional conference, or some major trade associations.

I think there are some laws that have to be changed, especially [when contracting] in emergency situations and the like.

It has become increasingly clear that local, state and federal government agencies failed to meet the needs of residents of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, ... Now it's our job to figure out why, and to make sure we are better prepared for the future.

It's critical that we conduct our oversight in a manner that does not interfere with the life-and-death work being done.

Can it. Let's work on Alternative 7.

When you double the size of your convention space, you don't necessarily just double your convention business, ... You have the ability to maybe triple or quadruple it because you have opened yourself potentially to a much larger market.

[In passing the Real ID Act, Congress did not intend to create a series of hard-to-comply-with rules but to encourage minimum standards for states to verify the identities of drivers license holders, said U.S. Representative Tom Davis, a Virginia Republican.] We weren't trying to carve out artificially high standards, ... This is not an unfunded mandate [to states].

This is not the time to attack or defend government entities for political purposes.