You can take away the pretzels, the pillows and the magazines, and the people are still pushing each other aside to get on those airlines.

I think all of the airlines will feel this. It's a little more than a blip, but New Orleans and Gulfport alone is not going to put Delta into bankruptcy. I think $70 a barrel oil is the straw that would break the camel's back.

This is not a see-saw. This is major shift in labor-management relations.

The frequent-flier programs' glory days are over. It is time to 'spend down' on all the airlines. Wise consumers are already doing that.

They cannot continue to bleed red ink. Delta is going to get hurt a lot by this. Not just the oil prices, but the loss of flights they will experience over the next several days. It could be the one-two punch that makes the brain trust at Delta say it's time to go into Chapter 11 reorganization.

We'd be foolish to say there hasn't been (an impact). This is a very tough situation to try to figure out. I know from experience some people are booking away.

The game isn't over yet, ... but clearly I would say the score is Northwest 1, [labor] nothing.

Right now people are willing to be patient — mainly because most of them already bought their tickets. But if this drags on, it's hard for me to see people pushing each other out of the way to book advance tickets on Northwest.