I think it's time for the team to go home.

And we've had a lot of help from outside in the community and with job placement, which made it easier.

I didn't know he went by Charles — I knew him by Charlie. I always thought he would have some type of success in his life because he was a great leader. Charlie always had a very calm manner and he was reassuring to the younger players.

We're bringing in as much equipment as we can.

After spending some time with them, I really believe this city will be vibrant again someday. New Orleans will be back.

Our dealers down here are participating as much as they can, but you have to consider most of the personnel for those dealers lost their homes during Hurricane Katrina, as well.

2012 is the earliest commuter rail can get to Provo, ... Why give them all that money until it would be used in Utah County?

Joseph's just sitting there.

I was very pleased with the results.