If overall industry conditions continue to improve, we see them making $7.45 a share in 2003, ... That's not assuming massive margin expansion. It's our belief that automotive demand is about a million units higher [for industry-wide U.S. annual sales] than the consensus expectations. That's being proven right as we continue to improve on estimates each of the last four years.

All those things we do anyway, like mass casualty drills. We do stand prepared to handle emergencies as they come.

It is comparable to a real World's Fair that lasts 90 days - so does ours, just that it will be nine days for 10 years.

It never really was work. You were working and learning responsibility, but everybody was having a good time.

Nasser's been the primary architect of a failed transformation of Ford from its core automotive heritage to some expansive consumer-centric organization, which we think employees, dealers, suppliers and investors have found to varying degrees to be somewhat incomprehensible.

(Dusty) wants to do everything he did before he left.

Luckily, there are several choices of combinations of drugs, cocktails you might say, that will get somebody to non-detected, ... However, if they're resistant to different classes of drugs, we're in big trouble because there really are only a couple of classes of drugs right now.

It'd be the beautiful solution for both GM and UAW.