We believe Titan has developed a good business model for its segment of the tire and wheel market. Let's see how Bryan might work in this equation.

Our families and communities depend on the good wages and benefits provided by the successful manufacturers. We recognize how technology and work reorganization can improve productivity, but we expect management to become efficient as well, while recognizing our expertise. The most important key to enhancing productivity is investing the money necessary to keep plants modern.

We will face serious challenges in this round of negotiations that will go far in defining our future, but there is no way that we will allow our retirees to become sacrificial lambs in the process. To allow a company to renege on commitments it made in the past, just so it can further feed an insatiable appetite now for more profits and bigger bonuses is just flat-out wrong.

At the college level, I don't think he's anywhere near his potential. He has the big frame and once he gets on a heavy weight program and can focus on throwing ... his feet are getting quicker and I look for him to take off. His big years are ahead of him.

These benefits were bought and paid for by retirees during their years of faithful service at Continental. We will not stand for this and will fight it, in court if necessary.

Now that they have decided to not come so close to personal property, I don't think any of us in Grandview have as many issues to discuss with the developer. As long as the creek remains within its nature bed and as long as the tree cover and wood remain intact, the majority of our complaints have been answered.