She caught my eye. I didn't catch hers, but she got mine.

We could never clean this place by ourselves anymore. I have an unbelievable staff that works very hard. They're very mature and know that it takes a lot of hard work to keep this place in perfect shape.

We call Brenton the caretaker in training. He and his sister are just like Robbie and Amanda. They love being at the house.

I know I won't be here forever, but I'll stay in Newport. I'll probably move into my dad's house, just down the street from here.

This was the place where everyone came. We had a game room with a pool table. Sometimes kids would be here for two or three days before we had to send them home.

We heard that people wanted to go through the kitchen in the basement, so we had to get that ready. There were many parts of the house, including the rooms on the second floor. We had to redo everything, including the silk on the walls.