"Academy Award for Live Action Short Film/Best Live Action Short Film" 1994 Trevor


"Randy Stone" was an United States/American actor and casting (performing arts)/casting director, and Academy Award winner.

More Randy Stone on Wikipedia.

They've done a lot of good things, but they are not there yet.

I think every law enforcement officer in Sedgwick County hoped to be the one with the magic bullet.

I know we will win because I see it in the eyes of the Marines every morning. In their eyes is the sparkle of victory.

It gets me out from behind the desk.

It's a cool deal -- I'm glad for them, ... To be selected is awesome.

We'll have to see how the next several quarters play out before we see if investment is returning to former levels.

Compared with previous quarters, which were heavily dominated by software and semiconductors, we're seeing a mix of companies receiving dollars. It's good to see diversity, because it means we're not relying too heavily on one sector.

As it turns out, ... he just can't spell.

It was a good quarter, and the results indicate we're off for a good start to the year. The first-quarter results are substantially improved over the last three quarters.