That (call) will generate a letter signed by the head of the Highway Police and lieutenant of the Arkansas State Police. It's kind of a warning letter. It's to help raise awareness of the littering problem.

It's a pretty thin coat of ice out there. Our crews have really had their hands full.

That's the next step that people will see.

We're having to scale back on some jobs. We have a finite amount of money. We'll make it go as far as we can.

I don?t know exactly what the alignment is at this point; I haven?t seen the final line on the map myself.

It takes a year or more to get it constructed. We have no timetable at this time.

We've had over 4,000 calls in the first year. We think it's been successful. Ideally, we'd get less calls. If we can raise awareness more, we'll not have any calls.

Design engineers are going to design the roadway to minimize impacts. Some people might say, my home or barn or business is directly under that line. Well, once the designers start, they might be able to design it to where that home or business or barn is not taken or impacted in that way.

The jobs will get done. But it may take longer to do some of them, because we have a finite pool of money to work with.