They pay attention to news releases from companies and follow game series the way you might go see a sequel of a movie you liked or buy a new book in a series just because it's in that series.

We carry stuff from around the world, but the leaders in the industry are the German games. In Germany, their view of board games in general is that it's something you do with the family. When you come home in the evening, instead of watching television, you pull out a board game and play it. There, you see entire families playing board games three or four times a week.

Rat-a-Tat Cat. It's a card game where players start by drawing four facedown cards. It's great for kids.

In America, we're so individualistic. Everyone goes off to do their own thing.

All these games take just a few minutes to learn and 45 to 60 minutes to play. You don't have to invest a whole day or learn complicated rules.