"Michael Rains" is a California criminal defense Lawyer/attorney known for representing police accused of misconduct, including the case of the BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant and a successful defense of the Oakland Riders. Rains also won acquittal of the Corcoran 8, prison guards accused of staging fights amongst inmates. He formerly represented baseball player Barry Bonds in his pending perjury trial.

Rains is a California State University, Long Beach graduate who served in the Vietnam War with the U.S. Marines. Working as a former Santa Monica police officer, he won a scholarship to attend Golden West University School of Law, and became a member of the California bar in 1979. His Pleasant Hill, California law firm has contracts with over two hundred and fifty public safety labor associations.

While representing Bonds, Rains brought suit against the San Francisco Chronicle for publishing leaked grand jury testimony, but dropped the suit when threatened with an anti-SLAPP counterclaim.

Rains lives in suburban San Ramon, California/San Ramon with his wife, Kathy, a former police officer, and their son.

More Michael Rains on Wikipedia.

The reason we filed in the lawsuit in the simplest terms possible is to prevent the authors from promoting themselves and profiting from illegal conduct.

What we're saying is, who are the real cheaters? They are the ones who are using these illegally obtained materials.

This was a case where the police chief and the mayor ran amok, and based upon the hysteria they created, they decided they could suspend the rules. We are asking for a declaration from the court that makes it clear to the chief that the rules really do apply.

If they had a case they would have charged it a long time ago. Why are they doing it now? That's a little odd. It's something we'll have to take up with them at the appropriate time.

Society ought to be concerned that the federal government feels it has no accountability to anybody. They can harass and intimidate anybody they well please. It is pretty shameful.