That is what makes it difficult, the fixed costs. That's a huge cost, but they have got to create institutional excitement, not just one week at a time.

As the new Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill does not include an allocation of funds for the Kennedy Center Plaza Project, the Kennedy Center is placing the project on hold, ... The Center is aware that budget constraints have made it difficult for Congress to fund this particular project.

When I arrived, I felt we were trying to fit family programs into our theaters whenever there was time. My feeling was that we shouldn't have to fit them into other theaters. They should have a theater of their own.

Orchestras are having trouble across the country. Lots of orchestras have deficits, but the larger ones have a better cash flow and are not threatened. All orchestras have very large fixed costs, but the smaller ones have the challenges of fundraising and meeting those costs.

The Festival of China . In terms of what we are trying to do on the international scene, this is the largest manifestation of that goal.

China enjoys 5,000 years of history and cultural diversity that stems from its vast population, ... What we're presenting is a comprehensive sampling of the best that China has to offer, large and small ensembles from many regions of China, as well as artists of Chinese descent from the United States.

His creation, which has become an American icon, along with his work on film and on Broadway, has provided this nation with some of its greatest comedians.