"Marty Jones" is a retired United Kingdom/English Professional wrestling/professional wrestler best known for his work in Joint Promotions and All Star Wrestling throughout the 1980s and 1990s. During this period, he was the predominant holder of the Admiral-Lord Mountevans rules/Mountevans World Mid Heavyweight title. Jones was also responsible for training Darren Matthews.[http://www.prowrestling.com/index.php?section=almanac&id=trained ProWrestling.com] Jones was trained by Billy Robinson.

More Marty Jones on Wikipedia.

The 1-year-olds, mom is less receptive to. She will drive last year's young off, and the young animals are looking for their own territory.

I heard a few people gasp. Then, Tom had this funny conversation with the beer like it was a breakup with an old girlfriend. It had the crowd just howling.

Tom was a formidable contestant.

There is not much to stress deer for a long period of time.

Leave them alone. Mom will come back after dark to nurse.

In vegetable gardens, they have been known to eat green tomatoes off the plants.