The pace of development is outstripping our ability to manage the environmental issue. Our unwritten energy policy is dig it up and sell it as fast as possible.

We don't need to have a gold-rush mentality to these resources.

We can expect a change in leadership and there's an incredible opportunity for change in Alberta's energy industry.

We created the Wind Power by Pembina program to help individuals, corporations and governments alike help move towards a sustainable energy future by setting a great example and powering their computers, homes, businesses or events by the wind.

Managing the environmental impacts arising from this pace and scale of development is a considerable challenge that must be urgently addressed, particularly in light of the new goal of producing five million barrels per day by 2030.

As oil prices have gone up, you get this increased desire to get out onto the new frontiers of oil. We're now getting into the dirtiest sources of oil anywhere.