What's interesting this year is we have filmmakers who are straddling two continents. You've got filmmakers really crossing borders and going back in recent history; it's a much broader awareness of the world at large.

I would say, in a way, our reputation is stronger outside our borders than inside.

It deals with so many different aspects of living in South Africa: the racial issues of South Africans and Asians; with poverty; with the reality of children orphaned by AIDS; the transition from village life to city life.

All we're asking is that you give us a chance and work with us. We'll figure out where to go from here.

Rules will be simple. Be safe, be respectful, pick up after yourselves. Smoking is outside only. No weapons, no violence, no alcohol, no drugs.

But there isn't anything like rent control in Hawaii. Other than some tenants associations and groups, there is very little help out there for tenants.