If we don't get this done, the very soul of Minnesota will be lost.

We might be the land of 10,000 lakes, but if the land of 10,000 lakes are 10,000 dead lakes or 10,000 lakes that aren't very good, ducks just aren't going to come here.

We think it's an important work showing some of the loopholes in the current wetlands law.

In my opinion, it was probably the worst case of legislation and bad acting I've seen in 20 years. It was lawmakers literally disregarding the legislation before them. I'm extremely disappointed.

The problem is, hunters and anglers have day jobs. They're lunch-pail sort of guys. They can't take a day off work to visit the Capitol. But we're making an attempt this year.

Since everybody benefits from our natural resources, shouldn't everybody have to pay for them?