It's taught me patience, leadership, cooperation, and teamwork. I have to be patient no matter how much time I get. I can be a good leader for the team. I think we're going to have a good year. We've switched coaches and that was a big change. We play well when we all come together. I feel we're finally doing that.

Coach Byrne always comments that I'm like a coach out there. I love to help the underclassmen. I'll help them out by yelling things out. The coach will give instructions and sometimes because they're young, still they'll forget what to do. I'll just yell out reminders and stuff like that.

I have a ton of community service done. Besides it being a requirement for high school and college, I love to volunteer. I do the Relay for Life every year, which is a fundraiser for cancer.

I've been learning Spanish for five years so hopefully I'll be able to travel. I've been to Italy on a school trip but that's about it.