But we sometimes forget to pray for the people taking care of them.

That works to the benefit of our residents. It will improve our tax base, allow us to have adequate budgets and provide the money the town needs for education and for projects like making the High School Annex suitable for re-use.

I think it would be difficult to require a new administration to support the agreement. If we are elected, it will be up to us to look into the contract and fine-tune it.

There's always the need to mend fences after a primary. The first step is to agree on a common goal for November, and only then talk about potential meetings (with Arganese).

I don't want my name associated with the improprieties being attributed to the current administration.

We should utilize the tools the town has at its disposal, ... By referring the proposals to the Economic Development Commission, that agency could ask the tough questions that should be asked. It would have laid the groundwork for the Planning and Zoning Commission to have pertinent information available before it began to consider either application.

Two or three weeks down the road they'll need it more than they do now.

He just can't make 147 any more. We knew that. Cory had been struggling with the weight for the last three fights. He makes 154 easily. He can eat properly without starving himself and all that craziness that we had to go through. We are looking at coming into the 154lbs division and pretty much do the same thing we did at 147lbs, win all the titles.

You have to have all the information before you can evaluate, and I want to learn more.