I'd have to be out of the state or not in Eugene to not get to my adult league game. And I'm not a red-hot player. I have to wear glasses and whatnot.

In that pre-boot mode we make sure all that is pristine, then we get out of the way and we launch [Windows] XP.

I tell you, when you think about playing football, baseball, soccer, well, everyone knows how to run or walk. But skating is very unnatural. It's the development of that talent, then kicking the speed up a couple of notches, and it's just very thrilling.

While it may not be possible to eliminate the risk of fraud altogether, a company can at least identify it early and minimize its damage with proper planning, policies and procedures.

We were on board and rolling as soon as we got into town. It's really surprising how it's gotten into my head. The more I do, the more I have fun with it.