We have parent volunteer parents who come in to help with the jumping. Some teachers actually jumped with their classes, providing a role model for the kids so that they can see an adult working to be in good health, and how important it is for them to continue with this throughout their lives.

It seems that the kids are doing more at home now, outside of our school. We talk about that a lot, how three times a week is not enough activity to really benefit their health. We suggest that they exercise every day of the week, get up away from the computer and get moving. They can even exercise while they are watching television, or there are Play Station games that include exercise.

We look at a number of different fitness factors. We look at their muscular strength, their muscular endurance, their aerobic capacity and their body composition. This year, we are doing the assessment at the end of the year, whereas we are talking about fitness the entire year, and working on it the entire year. We will get an idea at the end of the year how these activities have worked for us.