"Jane Friedman" is the CEO and Co-Founder of Open Road Integrated Media, which sells and markets ebooks. She was the President and Chief Executive Officer of HarperCollins Publishers Worldwide, one of the world's leading English-language publishers, from 1997 to 2008.

Friedman is credited with inventing the author's tour, now a staple of the industry. Friedman founded and became president of the first audio books division of a trade publisher.

More Jane Friedman on Wikipedia.

This is going to be a costly initiative.

She's brought unparalleled excitement and attention to books. All of America should be grateful to her.

I think it changes nothing.

When you have an author of the caliber of Bernard Cornwell, one of the world's top historical novelist, it's very gratifying to publish him on a global basis giving him the prominence he deserves. We expect this important deal, in conjunction with the new TV mini-series, will bring him even greater success around the world.

It is fabulous news. I think her impact will be as great if not greater than it was initially.

We can't keep chasing only best sellers. We all recognize we all have to do different things today.

I think it's a great attempt to popularize the book business, and boy, do we need it. It's a good thing, as we try to expand our readers, to put the public into this. I think it's important to have the consumer not only buy the book, but confirm that this is the best book of the year.

It is fabulous news.