You don't want to wreck somebody to get back at him, ... I just wanted to find him after the race so I could punch him, to be honest with you. I was so mad. I thought I just wanted to hit him and that would make me feel better.

There's a reason that guy doesn't have a ride and I guess he showed us tonight.

But this week is a lot better. I even played golf this week.

I know it's a good story for the rest of the week, but just go on and forget about it.

You just have to be aware of who you are around. You know the guys who are going to take chances, so you stay away from them. There a lot of people who maybe have one coming, and this could be the night (they get it).

I did something I shouldn't have done in practice.

It's definitely different from where I came from - a good different.

He was upset like anyone else would have been. He's like me. He gets real mad. Five minutes later, I went over to talk to him and he was giggling about it. I went over and apologized. There's no need to get somebody mad at you before the race even starts. It was no big deal.