When a mature and able manager feels bored, he should seriously consider changing jobs, changing companies or simply retiring. It is not fair to anyone for half a leader to hold a full-time leadership job.

Money does motivate but only for a short time and only as long as it serves as a measure of worth or of power or of victory.

I think we all learned how to swim here. It packed out everyday. They would have crafts and a concession stand.

We all played on the same Optimist (Baseball) team together, and I think we played on the same basketball team. Pretty much, we've played just about every sport together.

He wants to hear what everyone thinks and wants and he wants to do what is best for everyone of all ages.

Effective managers live in the present but concentrate on the future.

A basic rule for managers is 'Pass the pride down.' People like to create when they can earn recognition for their ideas. When a good idea surfaces, the creator's immediate superiors should show prompt appreciation.