It was always a long shot.

A lot of people have the mistaken assumptions that they have to have a 529 plan for college savings, and that they should be part of the plans in their own state. It all depends on what your needs are, but in a lot of cases there are better choices.

Having watched their children grow up with a keyboard at their fingertips, parents know that their kids will inevitably turn to their computers for entertainment. And parents also know that downloading music is easy, prevalent and often illegal. These days, colleges and universities can offer alternatives that are just as easy and available, but more importantly to parents, legal.

Many young artists today only experience copyright as an obstacle, a source of incomprehensible demands for payment, cease and desist letters, legal transaction costs. This is a shame because copyright can be a valuable tool for artists and creators of all kinds -- even for those who are trying to share their work without charge.