We're making a special effort this year to identify the health seeker, that person who starts and stops a fitness program. We're trying to figure out what they want and tailor our programs to them and send personal phone calls, letters and e-mails to hook them up with other members to keep them motivated.

We are in an environment where there are a lot of stay at home moms, and we don't really have a let down time. We are busy in the mornings with the 5 and 6 a.m. crowds, then it picks up again after moms drop their kids off for school. The only time we are not busy is between 2 and 4 p.m., but then it picks up again with the after work crowd.

We have a special program called Mission Meltdown. Individuals weigh in every week and receive daily personal contact via e-mail or the telephone with a personal trainer. There is also a session with a personal trainer in the beginning to help them get started. This program was used at other YMCA's across the nation and it has been very successful.