"Gail Goodman" is known as one of the first in her field to study children's roles in the legal system. Specifically, she has studied children's eyewitness testimony pertaining to the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution/Sixth Amendment. She has received many awards for her many contributions to research, writing, and teaching. Her involvement includes being cited in United States Supreme Court cases, which is rare for psychologists.

More Gail Goodman on Wikipedia.

It is extremely important for these youth, who many times aren't getting support from the families, their communities or their teachers, to have a place where they can go and be themselves.

When you have a group saying we're not going to support [gay marriage], in fact, we'll work against it, saying we don't want you to get married, or raise or adopt kids — when that's the message, it has tremendous effects.

Holiday sales have become a vital component of the retail sales cycle for millions of small businesses. Overall, we found 51 percent of U.S. small business owners believe Valentine's Day sales are important to their business and are optimistic that sales will be rosy this year.