Christianity is a missionary religion, converting, advancing, aggressive, encompassing the world; a non-missionary church is in the bands of death.

Cut out the love of self, like an autumn lotus, with thy hand!

He who overcomes this fierce thirst, difficult to be conquered in this world, sufferings fall off from him, like water-drops from a lotus leaf.

Into whose conquest no one in this world enters, by what track can you lead him, the Awakened, the Omniscient, the trackless?

They lead a tamed elephant to battle, the king mounts a tamed elephant; the tamed is the best among men, he who silently endures abuse.

Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast.

In a hamlet or in a forest, in the deep water or on the dry land, wherever venerable persons dwell, that place is delightful.

Silently shall I endure abuse as the elephant in battle endures the arrow sent from the bow: for the world is ill-natured.

A creature's pleasures are extravagant and luxurious; sunk in lust and looking for pleasure, men undergo (again and again) birth and decay.