"Fred Fox" was an English assistant director and film actor. He appeared in 12 films between 1943 and 1949. He won an Academy Award in 6th Academy Awards nominees and winners/1933 for Academy Award for Best Assistant Director/Best Assistant Director.

He was born in Highworth, Swindon, Wiltshire and died in Los Angeles, California from a myocardial infarction/heart attack.

More Fred Fox on Wikipedia.

Had I been made aware earlier of the rule, I may have acted on it. In my opinion, the horse would be better suited in the weaker race.

Those are tracts that we think pretty much obviously have strong conservation values. Those values are protected under the current ownership and there is also public access.

There is a strong wind blowing now and the track is firming up nicely. We put 5mm of irrigation on last night and it was a dead 5 early this morning. We're hoping it will be a good 3 by race time tomorrow.

This family is going through not just a single incident but a nightmare that's never ending. A fine like that is nothing.

It wasn't an easy decision to send your son off to a school like that. But he was out of hand at that time and we had to do something. Even though it was extremely tough to do, it was probably the best thing for him because Glen Mills worked for him.

It's just been a challenge. We've had several contracts that have never come to fruition.

Purchasing at the local level rolls over dollars to stimulate the local economy and begin the longer term – and much more expensive – effort of reviving the economic potential of these countries.

Wal-Mart has become aware of how they are perceived and that they don't want to be perceived as down market in part because it makes it difficult to penetrate certain urban and suburban markets. I think they want to get that middle-class customer to spend money with them.