We don't have any blazers who can throw it 90, 88, or even 85 (mph). But they've thrown strikes and they've been able to move the ball in and out and they think they can win. We've played pretty solid defense throughout the year. They're growing. I don't know what they're going to do, but they're a team.

I would have been out a long time ago if I didn't like coaching. It's still enjoyable for me to teach kids how to get better, how to react to a bad situation, and how to respond and do things the right way. It's fun to watch them grow.

He asked me how many high school games I had coached. I told him it was around 780, and he said, 'I don't know if I could even watch 780 high school games.' He asked me, 'How do you keep your wits about you?' and I told him I do a lot of fishing.