Ethan Nadelmann
FameRank: 4

"Ethan Nadelmann" is the founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, a New York City-based non-profit organization working to end the War on Drugs. Described by Rolling Stone as, "The driving force for the legalization of marijuana in America," Ethan Nadelmann is known as a high profile critic and commentator on U.S. and international drug control policies.

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We took two steps forward with the reforms in December, and one more step yesterday. But we still have 10 steps more to go.

The best news in this year's report is the significant decline in cigarette smoking, not just because that ultimately is the most deadly drug but also because it confirms that drug abuse is best reduced through sensible public health measures rather than criminal penalties, prosecutions and prisons.

The entire war on drugs disproportionately targets poor people and people of color.

If there's one thing the international community should do, if only out of deference because he won the election, is to take seriously his arguments that coca products have a place in the international commodities market.