"Eric Beach", born 1947, is a New Zealand and Australian poet, playwright, and short story writer.

More Eric Beach on Wikipedia.

Proposition 75 is a workers rights issue; our teachers, police and firefighters want a choice. Union leaders are out of touch with their own members.

We have seen it time and time again where they [unions] take money for political purposes and don't give it back, ... This is a simple concept, its based on fairness. All we ask is, don't take money from everyday workers without permission.

The purpose is to give everyday workers a voice. Right now the way the unions are set up, the union leadership continues to demonstrate that they're out of touch with their own members.

Why would Mr. Reiner or any of his union friends not want to give everyday workers a voice? ... Paycheck protection is a simple concept — give workers a right to choose how their political dues are spent, and stop taking money from members without asking permission.

All we're saying is, even if you're not paying your money for political dues, you can still be a union member, for organizing and benefits, ... They want to stay in the union, but they want to have a voice about how their money is spent.

This is a simple concept; why are they so afraid to allow their members a voice?