We have tried to make the festival affordable to families who might like to come for the weekend. We have expanded our camping spaces because some people like to stay right on site. We have not increased our prices.

We've had church and civic groups, like the Lion's Club, that have found the festival helpful either as a fund raiser or for public service to the community. Several churches have given away free cold water at the festival as an outreach effort.

We've learned a lot during the years. The weather this time of year is always unpredictable. One weekend will be real pretty and then festival weekend it can rain and turnout will be down. Overall we have been lucky with the weather. People have really supported us.

You would think by now everybody in the area would know about the festival but I run into people sometimes even in the neighborhood who aren't aware of it and yet we have people who come from almost all of the surrounding counties and even out of state.