Dominic Keating
FameRank: 4

"Dominic Keating" is an English television, film and theatre actor, known for his portrayal of Tony in the Channel 4 sitcom Desmond's and Lieutenant Malcolm Reed on Star Trek: Enterprise.

More Dominic Keating on Wikipedia.

I'm disappointed, ... I would have done three more seasons probably -- I would certainly have done two. We signed for seven, so we're three short of what we signed for. I loved going to work, to be honest, I really did. Lovely camaraderie and great crew and just regular employment with a nice cheque at the end of every 10 days. Can't beat it with a short stick.

It's the end of an era for the franchise, that's for sure, ... It's the end of producer Rick Berman 's stint. Then another man will put his paw print on another version four years from now. Try his luck -- 'Starfleet Academy 90210 In Space' -- something like that.

[Es gibt keine Pläne für einen Enterprise Film, aber die Schauspieler glauben auch, dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit sei, bevor ein neues Star Trek Projekt in Arbeit sei.] Es gibt Gespräche über einen Starfleet Academy Film ... Aber ich denke, dass sie sich an Nemesis böse verbrannt haben.

[There's no plan for an ENTERPRISE movie, but the actors agree it's just a matter of time before another STAR TREK project is in the works.] There is talk about a Starfleet Academy movie, ... but I think they got burnt badly on NEMESIS, all things considered.

Es ist für das Franchise sicher das Ende einer Ära ... Es ist das Ende der Ära von Rick Berman , denn ein neuer Mann wird seinen Fingerabdruck auf neue Versionen in vier Jahren drücken. Sein Glück versuchen... ' Starfleet Academy 90210 in Space' irgendwie so etwas...