Unfortunately the Portadown Orangemen have been put in the position where we've come to the bottom line. We have give and give down the years, and we have nothing more to give.

The support we get from the state is amazing.

You can't separate Peel from the music, they are one and the same thing. The music was all that he was about. It was in his DNA.

The University has done the best they can to help out especially with the recent budget cuts and have been extremely supportive of the sport. They provided transportation by the Demon Shuttle to and from matches for all players.

[Outside in the rain, paying punters appeared evenly divided between those there to see the bands and those who had simply come to say goodbye. Others were wary of making a distinction.] You can't separate Peel from the music, they are one and the same thing, ... The music was all that he was about. It was in his DNA.