He was a hermit with a family. I have a bit of that in me. My sister and brother, too. We're not lonely. You don't long for people's company, you long for solitude.
"Cris Williamson" is an United States/American feminist singing/singer-songwriter, who achieved fame as a recording artist, and who was a pioneer as a visible lesbian political activism/political activist, during a time when few who were not connected to the Lesbian community were aware of Homosexual/Gay and Lesbian issues. Williamson's music and insight has served as a catalyst for change in the creation of women-owned record companies in the 1970s. Using her musical talents, networking with other lesbian artists of musical quality, and her willingness to represent those who did not yet feel safe in speaking for themselves, Williamson is remembered by many in the LGBT community for her contributions, both artistically, and politically, and continues to be a role model for a younger generation hoping to address concerns and obtain recognition for achievements specific to people who have historically been ignored.
More Cris Williamson on Wikipedia.I think there's a sickness in the world. People are sick at heart and mind and spirit. People are just, 'Oh God, none of this belongs to me. Not this government, not this thing called America, not the decisions made about my life.' There's a sense of estrangement that's with us again.
Part of me wanted to say, 'It wasn't yours, it was mine.' But it's part of that iconic relationship. I was afraid I was going to lose my mind, like Virginia Woolf. The heart can break -- it's quite a resilient muscle -- but I don't know about the mind. It seems to be a creature of another sort.
I needed to be in nature.
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