He's always been low-key. I can hardly get a couple of words out of him, and I've known him for nine years. Nothing really gets him too high, nothing gets him too low. He has a great attitude for the game.

Poultry is always the Russians' first trade good to be placed on hold. That speaks to the excellent quality of the product we export.

They are really powerful works. They change the way you think, they're challenging and they're gripping.

He'll talk about legislation he's drafted that recognizes $10 billion in Medicaid savings in the budget reconciliation bill that will come up in October.

[According to his old UNLV roommate, Chad Campbell always orders his burgers without any fixings.] He's just a plain guy, ... So, did you go to the golf tournament today?

We always seem to play better when the competition is tougher. With my guys winning the other night [2-1 in overtime over Passaic Valley] in a tough game, that really helped them. They love the fact that they had to fight to win.

This bill contains various options that were suggested by the National Governors Association to give states more flexibility (in how they spend their Medicaid dollars).

With weather delays in Chicago, it's a good option to go to St. Louis. This increases opportunity for travel to all destinations from Decatur.

He's just a plain guy, So, did you go to the golf tournament today?