There are definitely a lot of gators here, ... The more freshwater a marsh has, then the more alligators you will find there because food will be more abundant.

We're bringing out some of our favorite bands from Texas to do the show. Six Past Hell and Shuteye along with us cover a wide range of metal from modern to monster to molten. And we're (FREAK13) are going to be jamming with Ari Lehman (Jason 1) who is a phenomenal musician.

These animals are highly skilled predators, ... I've recently seen a 6-foot gator in a tributary in West Orange near Adams Bayou.

People last year just couldn't believe they were getting to interact with actors who played such iconic characters. Well, this year we brought more of them and promise it will be an even better show. We plan on kicking off the month of October the right way by bringing true icons of horror to Beaumont and of course giving them a more than ample dose of metal.