We are having a constant flow of domestic investment. People have changed their strategy. If you want a good return you have to go to variable income.

I think the news of Mexico's upgrade to investment grade also is helping Brazil. People are thinking Brazil could also have some sort of upgrade.

If you make things easier for Mexico, you end up making them easier for Brazil.

The U.S. economy appears to be slowing faster than we thought, people are eyeing a recession and, in the heat of the moment, that is causing panic.

We cannot avoid setbacks here when the U.S. market is suffering. If it were not for the volatile movements in New York, stocks here could actually be rising more.

The market is much calmer. Basically it was the continuation of yesterday's trend today, helped by a rise in U.S. stocks.

The market needs more money to make a new push and that money will probably have to come from foreign capital because domestic capital is starting to even out.

The S&P news helped. But we are having large inflows as big banks move more money into Latin America.

The possibility of an upgrade in Mexico's rating came out, the Mexican stock market went up and the other markets followed suit.