Our hearts go out to the families of those little girls. It's a terrible, terrible tragedy. Whether you know the family or not, it affects the whole community.

It's a hard loss.

It used to be significantly less to go across the river (to Clark County), and that is not the case anymore. It is quite obvious that the greater metropolitan area has started to equalize.

Hunt had two key plays on which they excelled. We had a bunch of opportunities, but we didn't excel. But each week, we're going to get better.

The screeners exhibited some eye irritation.

I'm a huge fan of the music of Broadway, and I have an affinity for what I refer to as the Golden Age of Broadway, ... The music makes me feel good and the music makes audiences feel good.

I thought of the (Academy) bus, but I don't know what their prices are. Plus the price of gas went up a lot.

Red, Hot and Blue.