I don't see anything in the drainage that tells me how this whole thing is going to work up there.

Most sports stocks are not financial superstars.

We're going to pay it one way or another. We think paying based on what the actual costs are over a 5 percent difference is a good way to do this. It's not that we're unconcerned; it's just the price of doing business.

Their present charter is not livable. It's onerous. If they were willing to work with us, maybe we could join in a charter change with just a minimal inflation provision.

We got it back, ... I compliment the quick work of everybody on this. ... The good news is it not only came back, it came back intact.

Most recently, it's above that. We budget a contingency fund to deal with those extraordinary differences.

The lesson I learned from this one is not so much in the details of the network design or preparedness, but the issues we dealt with in facing a situation with civil unrest and security issues for our employees.

There are still some outages, there's no question, but I think we're making good progress in getting the outages repaired.

You just heard what's it all about.