"Barry Martin Simon " is an American mathematical physics#Mathematically rigorous physics/mathematical physicist and the IBM Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Caltech, known for his prolific contributions in spectral theory, functional analysis, and Theory of relativity/nonrelativistic quantum mechanics (particularly Schrödinger Mathematical operator/operators), including the connections to atomic, molecular, and optical physics/atomic and molecular physics. He has authored more than 400 publications on mathematics and physics.

His work has focused on broad areas of mathematical physics and Mathematical analysis/analysis covering: quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, Brownian motion, random matrix/random matrix theory, general nonrelativistic quantum mechanics (including Many-body problem/N-body systems and resonances), nonrelativistic quantum mechanics in electric field/electric and magnetic fields, the semi-classical limit, the Mathematical singularity/singular continuous spectrum, random and ergodic theory/ergodic Schrödinger operators, orthogonal polynomials, and non-selfadjoint spectral theory.

In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.

More Barry Simon on Wikipedia.

The materials that are now being publicly released are simply an effort to 'try' the case that (Barrett's office) could not win in court in an adversarial process.

The materials that are now being publicly released are simply an effort to 'try' the case that the OIC could not win in court in an adversarial process. The only good thing about the current OIC report is that it is the final chapter written under an ill-conceived and dangerous statute.