This almost certainly means there is swelling. If there was only a small bleed on its own, that wouldn't put the pressure up all that much. Very often you get fluid accumulating in the adjacent brain tissue and that can increase the pressure markedly.

One feels slightly more positive about the outcome because some of the problems have been able to be reversed, but the underlying problem remains, he still had further bleeding and that doesn't change the prognosis, which still looks dire.

It sounds like a last desperate attempt to salvage something, but the prognosis must now be terrible.

Once they get the sedatives off, they will know the extent of his paralysis, the extent of his ability to breathe on his own.

Often families misinterpret reflex twitching for voluntary movement.

A coma is not an absolute all-or-nothing state. There are various stages. His coma may be lightening a bit. It's not a dramatic breakthrough.