You have to remember that we are a non-profit and our mission is to bring arts, culture and music to the city. That's why we're here. -Sheila Hughes


You have to remember that we are a non-profit and our mission is to bring arts, culture and music to the city. That's why we're here.


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This quote is just one of 8 total Sheila Hughes quotes in our collection. Sheila Hughes is known for saying 'You have to remember that we are a non-profit and our mission is to bring arts, culture and music to the city. That's why we're here.' as well as some of the following quotes.

At this point, we simply have run out of time to execute the concert series at the level of excellence that our audiences, artists and community partners expect.

Sheila Hughes

We just haven't been able to move as swiftly into marketing, promotion and launch because we've been working so hard on the other pieces of this.

Sheila Hughes

Bumbershoot fits the personality of this city so well because people here are curious and engaged and they come to the festival to sample.

Sheila Hughes

We all think Bumbershoot is going to go on forever.

Sheila Hughes

That's probably one of the reasons we picked a volcano. It's enduring but unpredictable.

Sheila Hughes