Yes, it happens very often that someone comes and gives you something, ... But not so many good ones, which makes it easier. -Isabelle Huppert


Yes, it happens very often that someone comes and gives you something, ... But not so many good ones, which makes it easier.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Isabelle Huppert quotes in our collection. Isabelle Huppert is known for saying 'Yes, it happens very often that someone comes and gives you something, ... But not so many good ones, which makes it easier.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Yes, it happens very often that someone comes and gives you something, ... But not so many good ones, which makes it easier.

Isabelle Huppert

If I seem detached or distant, it's because I think this is a more exact reproduction of life, where you hide as much as you show. When I see a scene in which feelings get loudly exteriorized, I say to myself, 'Well, at least this never happens to me.' I very rarely go through this type of expression. Most of the time things are hidden or at least much more subdued.

Isabelle Huppert

Venice brings me luck. There is no great role without a great director, so from the bottom of my heart I thank Patrice.

Isabelle Huppert

Yes, that is true, ... A mutual friend of ours told me that Alexandra wanted to give me that script, so she didn't come out of nowhere. But it did take me a while before I read it. Then she insisted every morning and after a few months I read it and I thought, 'Oh my God, it's very good.'

Isabelle Huppert

My mom's a Catholic, and my dad's a Jew, and they didn't want anything to do with anything.

Isabelle Huppert