Would give any woman who believes in reproductive rights and freedom any comfort. -Nan Aron


Would give any woman who believes in reproductive rights and freedom any comfort.

-Nan Aron


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This quote is just one of 9 total Nan Aron quotes in our collection. Nan Aron is known for saying 'Would give any woman who believes in reproductive rights and freedom any comfort.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Would give any woman who believes in reproductive rights and freedom any comfort.

Nan Aron

How the Democrats handle themselves will have an impact on how they're remembered by their constituents. I think certainly constituents remembered how some of their senators voted on the Clarence Thomas confirmation and punished some of them for their votes.

Nan Aron

The nomination of Justice Antonin Scalia [as chief justice] would ignite a firestorm of debate in this country.

Nan Aron

[The same liberal groups that opposed Roberts for associate justice declared him even more unfit for chief.] His views are very much out of sync with civil rights, women's rights, privacy, ... Certainly reviewing so many of those memos and briefs and papers he authored makes one wonder whether he understands how the law affects ordinary people.

Nan Aron

His views are very much out of sync with civil rights, women's rights, privacy. Certainly reviewing so many of those memos and briefs and papers he authored makes one wonder whether he understands how the law affects ordinary people.

Nan Aron