With all the industry we've lost, this will be a shot in the arm. -Gerald Brown


With all the industry we've lost, this will be a shot in the arm.


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This quote is just one of 7 total Gerald Brown quotes in our collection. Gerald Brown is known for saying 'With all the industry we've lost, this will be a shot in the arm.' as well as some of the following quotes.

With all the industry we've lost, this will be a shot in the arm.

Gerald Brown

I don't regret it. I'm not doing it for ego or self-gain. I want it for my community, because we've got to find new ways to fund our services. This is our future right there.

Gerald Brown

It?s a sad time in our community. We?re a small community, and we handle things differently in small communities.

Gerald Brown

All of the new buildings in the Mediterranean style look better. Pretty buildings stand out.

Gerald Brown

This is page 5424 of the joint work.

Gerald Brown