Will be a significantly diminished member of Congress. -Suellen Miller


Will be a significantly diminished member of Congress.


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This quote is just one of 10 total Suellen Miller quotes in our collection. Suellen Miller is known for saying 'Will be a significantly diminished member of Congress.' as well as some of the following quotes.

In our research, women who appeared clinically dead, with no blood pressure and no palpable pulse, were resuscitated and kept alive for up to two days while waiting for blood transfusions.

Suellen Miller

They have some exciting and interesting ideas and we plan to continue to speak with them.

Suellen Miller

We're not competitive at all. We just go to have fun.

Suellen Miller

By removing these rays, we extend the life of artifacts, ... If you look at the Declaration of Independence; it's really hard to see the signatures on it -- that's because of the light they used.

Suellen Miller

Will be a significantly diminished member of Congress.

Suellen Miller