What a huge opportunity for our community. We're just giddy with excitement over this. -Sherry Murphy


What a huge opportunity for our community. We're just giddy with excitement over this.


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This quote is just one of 8 total Sherry Murphy quotes in our collection. Sherry Murphy is known for saying 'What a huge opportunity for our community. We're just giddy with excitement over this.' as well as some of the following quotes.

This is priceless for the community and the state, really.

Sherry Murphy

What a huge opportunity for our community. We're just giddy with excitement over this.

Sherry Murphy

This is a huge day for Elizabethtown and a huge day for Kentucky.

Sherry Murphy

I tried to flip him on the bed, but he missed the bed and hit the floor. I was in shock. I ran out of the house. I think he was unconscious.

Sherry Murphy

We're taking very, very strong ties to the movie.

Sherry Murphy