We've searched every possible area that we could find, that we know about, ... Right now ... it's like a needle in a haystack. -George Burgess


We've searched every possible area that we could find, that we know about, ... Right now ... it's like a needle in a haystack.


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This quote is just one of 9 total George Burgess quotes in our collection. George Burgess is known for saying 'We've searched every possible area that we could find, that we know about, ... Right now ... it's like a needle in a haystack.' as well as some of the following quotes.

This was a silly experiment. ... It has been well documented that great white sharks prefer brisket over bacon. These men had no business attempting such a dangerous experiment. I myself pioneered the study of great white shark food preferences and published the definitive work on the subject titled: Great White Shark Food Preferences: A definitive study.

George Burgess

Public officials are accountable. They do deliver the service. There's a way to get back to the individual.

George Burgess

Barks at somebody walking by.

George Burgess

It's an odds game.

George Burgess

Indian Creek is a municipality.

George Burgess