We've just really been busy with phone calls. -Jeanne Pyle


We've just really been busy with phone calls.


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This quote is just one of 5 total Jeanne Pyle quotes in our collection. Jeanne Pyle is known for saying 'We've just really been busy with phone calls.' as well as some of the following quotes.

We've just really been busy with phone calls.

Jeanne Pyle

It was awfully hard on my mother. She had trouble facing it, ... She was a farm girl and never hardly out this part country, but she went clear to California on a train to see what she could find out. They had services while she was out there, for her sake. They even had a plot in a soldiers' cemetery and had a stone for him there.

Jeanne Pyle

I guess life just moves on, you know, ... We went quite a few years and just gave up that they would ever find them, but we never quit thinking about him and missing him.

Jeanne Pyle

He was very sweet on a little girl from Wheeling, and they were planning to get married ... but he didn't make it, ... They were truly in love with each other.

Jeanne Pyle